Zhu Zhu Pet 3-Pack (Hamsters Will Vary)Collection 1: Discount Sale Price!
My 6 year old daughter LOVES this toy. If anyone has owned a hamster or household with pets in them with small children, they realize the benefits of this toy immediately--truly no mess or smell.
Yes, they get stuck and move in a straight line.--so do hamsters. What they don't do is crap on the floor and stink up the whole house...or escape at night or make noise throughout the night.
They're cute and wonderful fun for the 4-10 year old girl crowd and serve that purpose. I prefer it over the furby's and robosapiens of the past years personally.
For those being 'fleeced' for these toys, don't let that cloud your judgement for the toy. You're paying for the demand, not the $8 toy. For $8, it more than fulfills its purpose than many of those $40 GI Joe packages do for the boys.
Potential Buyers. Be a smart, rpoductive hamster! ....go out smart/out work the other sellers and get in line at Target at 800am and ToysRUs 1000am. Or else, it's the convenience of Amazon.
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